Pizza Twists (Quick, Easy and BLW Friendly)

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    Pizza dough and basket of pizze pastry twists toddler food

    Do you ever find yourself reaching for the frozen party food for parties at home? We all do, the frozen party food is great!

    I wanted to create a recipe that was along the same lines as the frozen party food that you get in supermarkets, but child friendly! And when I say child friendly I mean no added salt or sugar! Are you hosting a New Year's Eve party and have little ones practicing baby-led weaning? Don't fret! You can still create a spread of finger foods that are both nutritious and exciting for their tiny taste buds. Consider offering finger sized fruit for example ripe strawberries, kiwi, and melon, along with pasteurised cheese for added protein and calcium. For a savoury option, bake sweet potato fries or courgette sticks.

    The pizza twists can not just be made for party food, my toddler loves these for his lunch alongside some fruit and yogurt. Or they can be served as a little snack in between meals. This pizza twist recipe is a delightful and nutritious option for babies who are exploring the world of solid foods through the baby-led weaning method. Packed with flavours that both parents and babies love, this twist on the classic pizza is a fantastic introduction to new textures and tastes. The dough is soft and easy to hold, encouraging the development of fine motor skills. Topped with tomato and a sprinkle of cheese, Pizza Twists introduces babies to different flavours and provides a healthy dose of essential nutrients. It's a wonderful way to make mealtime fun and engaging while nurturing your little one's growing independence and adventurous palate.

    Tomato puree offers numerous benefits when it comes to baby-led weaning. Firstly, it is incredibly versatile and can be easily incorporated into a variety of dishes, adding a burst of flavour. Rich in essential nutrients such as vitamin C, potassium, and antioxidants, tomato puree contributes to the overall health and development of babies. Additionally, it is a great source of lycopene, a powerful antioxidant known for its potential health benefits. Tomato puree is also easy to digest, making it suitable for babies who are just starting to explore solid foods. Whether it is mixed into mashed vegetables, added to pasta sauces, or used as a dip, tomato puree not only enhances the taste of meals but also provides vital nutrients for growing infants.

    Introducing new flavours to a baby's palate is an exciting phase, and opting for dried herbs as a seasoning in baby-led weaning can offer a multitude of benefits. Unlike salt, which can be harmful to infants' delicate kidneys, dried herbs provide a natural and healthier alternative to enhance the taste of their meals. Herbs add depth, aroma, and complexity to the food, teaching babies to appreciate different flavours from an early age. Moreover, dried herbs are packed with essential nutrients, antioxidants, and medicinal properties, promoting overall health and boosting the immune system. Encouraging babies to explore a variety of herbs not only enhances their taste buds but also introduces them to a lifelong love for a diverse range of culinary experiences.

    When it comes to introducing solid foods through baby-led weaning, eggs can be a fantastic choice. Not only are eggs packed with essential nutrients including protein, iron, and vitamins A, D, and E, but they also offer numerous benefits for your little one. Firstly, the soft and easily chewable texture of scrambled eggs or lightly boiled eggy soldiers makes them ideal for babies who are just beginning to explore self-feeding. The versatility of eggs also allows for a variety of preparations, introducing different flavours and textures to broaden your baby's palate. Furthermore, eggs are known for their ability to support healthy brain development, making them a crucial addition to your baby's diet. Whether it's the mild taste, the nutritional value, or the gentle introduction to self-feeding, eggs are undoubtedly a wonderful choice for baby-led weaning.

    I loved creating and making these twists and more importantly they are super easy and quick to make. If your little one is craving a delicious and satisfying snack that's quick to make, look no further than the pizza twist. This irresistible creation takes all the flavours of a classic pizza and presents them in a fun and convenient twist form. With just a few simple ingredients like pizza dough, tomato sauce, cheese, and your favourite topping, you can whip up these savoury treats in no time. Simply roll out the dough, spread on the sauce, sprinkle with cheese and herbs, then twist it all up and bake to golden perfection. The result is a warm and cheesy delight with a crispy, flaky crust and a burst of pizza goodness in every bite. The pizza twist is the ultimate go-to option that's easy to make and impossible to resist.

    I have used the ready rolled dough here for ease but you can use the dough that is not pre-rolled, whatever you have time to do. Ready rolled pizza dough is a time-saving miracle for pizza enthusiasts and home cooks alike. This pre-made dough takes away the hassle of kneading and rolling, allowing for a quick and convenient pizza-making experience. The dough comes perfectly flattened and ready to be decorated with all your favourite toppings. Its soft and elastic texture ensures a crispy yet chewy crust, Whether you prefer a classic margarita or a creative combination, ready rolled pizza dough provides a versatile foundation to unleash your culinary creativity. It is truly a game-changer, transforming cooking from a chore to a delightful and flavourful experience.

    If you're looking for a delicious and innovative twist on traditional pizza, then my homemade pizza twists should be at the top of your list. These mouthwatering treats combine all the flavours of a classic pizza with the convenience and portability of a hand-held snack. The dough is perfectly rolled with a generous amount of tangy tomato sauce, gooey melted cheese, and your choice of savoury toppings. Baked to a golden perfection, each bite delivers a burst of pizza goodness that will leave you craving more. Whether you're looking for a quick and tasty meal, my pizza twists are the ultimate choice for pizza lovers everywhere.

    I hope you enjoy making these and everyone enjoys them!

    Ingredient information

    Ready Rolled Pizza Dough - As you can see in the photographs, I have used the Pizza Express ready rolled dough. You don’t have to use this brand but a brand that you know or love.

    Tomato Purée - This is a great, quick, rich sauce for the pizza twists. You can use tinned tomatoes if they have been cooked and reduced down, to make a thick sauce, but you won’t need very much, and you could freeze the rest.

    Italian seasoning - This is a great herb for an Italian taste in your cooking, and this herb really works well in these pizza twists.

    Mozzarella - I had to use mozzarella as it tastes so delicious on pizza. You can use your cheese of choice or to make this DF you can use vegan cheese of your choice.

    Beaten egg - I like to use a beaten egg as I believe the colour when cooked is golden. However, you can use milk or DF milk of choice if preferred.

    Olive oil - I’ve used olive oil for greasing here for flavour, but you can use an oil or butter of choice.

    Pizza dough and basket of pizza pastry twists toddler food

    Serving suggestion

    These pizza twists can be served alongside some cooked vegetables, like roasted carrots or some chopped fruit and a mango pot for a lunch. Alternatively you can serve with carrot fritters or kale krisps. They really are versatile and do not just have to be served at a party.

    Pizza dough and basket of pizza pastry twists toddler food

    Storage instructions

    The pizza twists can be kept in the fridge in airtight containers for up to 5 days in the fridge. Or you can freeze the pizza twists in freezer bags or an airtight container for up to 3 months. Which is great as you will always have a lunch, dinner or snack in the freezer ready to be defrosted for a quick meal or snack.

    If you want to defrost the best way to do this is to take the pizza twist or pizza twists out of the freezer, and leave in the fridge overnight until fully thawed. The pizza twists are best eaten chilled, as they do not reheat to well, so i would avoid re heating.

    Equipment used to help with this recipe

    Baking sheet - I have chosen to use a non-stick and BPA free baking sheet - they are easy to clean and, if you buy more than one, easily stackable and easily stored.

    Airtight container - I much prefer the click-shut lids on these containers compared to others. They are also dishwasher and freezer safe and BPA free, so very suitable for food use. 

    Recipe | Pizza Twists

    Pizza dough and basket of pizza pastry twists toddler food

    Alt text Alt text Alt text

    Makes 15 twists

    • 400g Ready rolled pizza dough

    • Half a tube of tomato purée

    • 4 teaspoons Italian seasoning

    • Black pepper

    • 200g ball Mozzarella, grater or torn

    • 1 egg beaten or 50ml milk

    • Olive oil


    1. Pre heat the oven to 180 C or 350F, and line a large baking tray with baking parchment and grease with olive oil.

    2. Carefully peal the dough away from the greaseproof paper and lay flat.

    3. Using a dinner knife, cut the dough in half.

    4. Spread the tomato purée evenly over one side of the dough, followed by 3 teaspoons of Italian seasoning, mozzarella and a grind of the black pepper.

    5. Carefully place the other piece of dough on top of the tomato base.

    6. Next egg or milk wash the top of the dough and sprinkle the remaining teaspoon of Italian seasoning over the top.

    7. Cut the dough into 3 sections and then into 5 fingers on each row.

    8. Carefully pick up each finger and twist the top and bottom of the dough and lay on the baking sheet.

    9. Pop in the oven for 15 minutes.

      Hope you and your family enjoy!

    Recipe notes

    If you had some puff pastry, and not the pizza dough you could use the pasty instead to make some puff pastry pizza twists! And you can use dairy free cheese of choice if you needed to.

    ©The Petit Spoon

    Content and photographs are copyright protected and need prior permission to use elsewhere. Copying and/or pasting full recipes to other websites and any social media is strictly prohibited. Sharing and using the link of this recipe is both encouraged and appreciated! Share this post now!


    This article was written by Lindsay, the creator and owner of The Petit Spoon, who is on a mission to provide quick and easy to follow, affordable baby-led weaning recipes. With a background in child nutrition and hospitality, Lindsay understands the importance of nourishing little ones with wholesome foods that support their growth and development.

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